Sugar Ridge Event
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Sunday 2nd November 2014, 9 pm, EC$30 in advance.
Jolly Villas guests can dress up next Sunday and join the Sugar Ridge Hotel’s “STRICTLY THE BEST”, a Back to the ’90s Party, on Sunday, November 2 starting at 9 pm. Entertainment will be provided by DJs Whitney, Undercover and Irish. Lookalike Michael Jacksons and Tina Turners…this is your chance to shine!
Tickets are EC$30 in advance but a little more at the door.
Jolly Villas guests can dress up next Sunday and join the Sugar Ridge Hotel’s “STRICTLY THE BEST”, a Back to the ’90s Party, on Sunday, November 2 starting at 9 pm. Entertainment will be provided by DJs Whitney, Undercover and Irish. Lookalike Michael Jacksons and Tina Turners…this is your chance to shine!
Tickets are EC$30 in advance but a little more at the door.